Who is Ukali LLC

Ukali LLC is a company, registered in the United States of America.

Our sole mission, and that of our partners, is the development and support of humanitarian and upliftment projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Simply put, we wish to further the economic and social development of communities in Africa, improving their standard of living.

In this framework, we mostly oversee the economic performance of our partners who contribute to our vision and mission but act globally, and economically independently.

We in this coordinate support between our entities, especially for the development of in-house projects and integrated projects across our entities.

We also acquire new technologies and insert these into our portfolios.

Our operative head office is being relocated to Windhoek, Namibia, with a field office proposed at our manufacturing facility in West Africa, specifically in Walvis Bay, Namibia, for our African farms.

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Our Focus


Our Portfolio and Projects

Our activities extend over a wide portfolio with dedicated subsidiaries covering dedicated areas of activities, such as agriculture, renewable energy, mining, education, healthcare and others.
As a group we not only roll out and coordinate our in-house projects, but our partners also work with clients to accelerate growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, acting globally, within our mission footprint.
As a holding we also provide assistance for humanitarian projects within our mission footprint.


Our Operations

We establish practical management solutions for our projects, and once completed, for our ongoing operations.
These operations are aimed at minimum training requirements, ease of learning, and are always structured to integrate the local workforce to its fullest, aimed at self-sustenance of communities and the improvement of their standard of living.
Our partners manage all operations allocated to their portfolio position and provide many opportunities for partnering with them in the areas of design, technology, education, training, outsourcing, to give but a few examples.


Solutions, Partnering and New Technologies

We provide solutions to start-up companies and actively seek new technologies to be utilised in upliftment projects in Sub-Saharan Africa within our mission footprint across all of our portfolios.

In this we identify, coach and assist start-up ventures, but also welcome existing companies, to further the development of their products and technologies for deployment in Sub-Saharan Africa, seeking synergies with our current and future projects and operations.

Why not get in touch with us?

Please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss whether we can assist you, by using the menu link Contact or use the button below.
